Annabelle Brunet

I’m Annabelle and I am plain a simply… a mom!

That’s right, a mom who treated herself in joining MamaDances classes from time to time. I immediately fell in love (and my babies too!) with MamaDances’ concept, which includes dance, of course, an art form that I respect and that fascinates me. Also, the idea of sharing the experience with other moms and dads really pleased me.

However, MamaDances has really helped me deepen my first connections with my kids. Forme, dance is a two-way means of communication. I wholeheartedly believe in the necessity to practice diverse ways of dialogue with our babies, knowing how important the first yearsare in the development of the attachment bond. This will eventually help our kids to growwith confidence and explore their world and relationships with dignity. On top of being a mom, I’m also a social worker (health professional). I work directly withyoungsters and their families. Respecting each individual’s beliefs, their right to self-determination and their creativity is what guides me in the intervention process. It’s also my anchor in everyday life and throughout the realization of projects that I care about.

Lastly, my personal and professional background has inspired me to offer the MamaDances experience to others. It’s with deep humility and great enthusiasm that I invite you to come and express your love for your child through dance.

Hoping to meet you soon !


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